Powerful Features

Unlock the Potential of Geontacom with our Powerful Features

Bulk SMS

Send personalized SMS messages to a large number of recipients at once with our bulk SMS and email system. Experience the power of seamless communication with our advanced features and customizable templates.

Email Sending

Easily send emails using SMTP, allowing you to communicate professionally and efficiently with your contacts.

API Integration

Unlock the power of our Bulk SMS and Email services by seamlessly integrating them with your existing systems through our robust API. Streamline communication and enhance functionality effortlessly, empowering your platform to reach new heights of efficiency .

Campaign Management

Plan and execute your marketing campaigns effectively by creating and managing campaigns within Geontacom. Monitor performance, track engagement, and optimize your messaging strategies.

Contact Manage

Effortlessly upload and manage your contacts in bulk, saving you time and ensuring efficient communication with your audience.

Email Templates

Access a wide range of professionally designed email templates, making it easy to create visually appealing and engaging emails for your campaigns. Customize them to suit your branding and messaging needs.